Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dental Missed Appt Letter What's More Important? Dentist Appt. Or Work?

What's more important? Dentist appt. or Work? - dental missed appt letter

I went to DSHS for a few months while I was at work. I've finally got dental exams for me and my children, and finally, the state medical coupons. Unfortunately not have through our Resoration treatment (fillings) for a few months to be seen, because the schedules are overbooked dentists. Appointment with the dentist of my family are planned in a few days, but my problem is that I just started a new job.

My new job requires me to work overtime, however, is his biggest worry is that they always show to work on time, and I miss the days. I'm not saying that I had a dentist appointment, because I really wanted the job. You pay only $ 10 per hour, which keeps me working, and my children in poverty, but at least it.

Should I risk my new job to keep our appointment at the dentist? Or should I decay is the worst and try to keep my job?

(BTW: I worked only 3 days in my new job already)


teel said...

Whom did you fall ill as a backup in case the child is in school or have an emergency? Is there a father involved? A cousin? My aunt? Grandfather? I call this person and see if he / she can take. Even a friend of the family. Often, people have designated schools to help in situations such as this. In states where a worker is FRYSC. It will make transport children and dates. and sometimes it is to pay the costs. I do not know where he lives, but this could be an option. If all else fails, I would talk to your boss / manager and explain the situation. Dental problems do not disappear by themselves. Until then, keep brushing and flossing to prevent the spread of decay. Good luck to you.

monkeymo... said...

To keep his job and a date for the working day, or make an appointment and show it to them and ask them to get a day off himself or his children to the dentist! It is a medical bill and you have the right to ask that day to go to the dentist or kifd. Questions you have 2 weeks before your visit, or what the company in May, in some Companys Registration required 30 days to 2 weeks, then ask them how many days notice they from you? go to the dentist for you! They work appointments around their work and some jobs will work with you, because you can not work if you are ill or worse pain! And they know that!

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